季風影像 JF Image
March JF Salon Announcement
In March 2025, we will host six enriching JF Salon events covering diverse areas including historical narratives, art and reality, political-economic analysis, philosophical reflection, and our JF Image independent documentary screening unit. We have invited renowned writers, distinguished scholars, artists, and famous directors to explore the profound meanings of historical narratives, cultural identity, and social transformation.
3月6日:作家彼得·羅斯(Peter Rose)——「澳門:約翰·
March 6: Author Peter Rose — "Macao: China's Casablanca during WWII as seen by John Reeves, the British Consul"
Peter Rose will share his new work "The Good War of Consul Reeves," revealing Macau's unique role and historical position as "China's Casablanca" during World War II through the perspective of British Consul John Reeves, and recounting Reeves' heroic story of stationing in Macau and rescuing refugees during the war.
3月10日:季風影像紀錄片放映——《沒有電影的電影節》(A Filmless Festival)
March 10: JF Image Documentary Screening — "A Filmless Festival"
We will screen the documentary "A Filmless Festival" directed by Wang Wo, which documents how a group of filmmakers organized a unique film festival without physical films, responding to the challenges of censorship and freedom of expression.
3月13日:學者與作家伊森·楊(Ethan Yang)和雷恩·揚克(Rayn Yonk)——「中國的兩難:平衡經濟增長與政治控制」
March 13: Scholars and Authors Ethan Yang and Rayn Yonk — "The China Dilemma: Balancing Economic Growth and Political Control"
Ethan Yang and Rayn Yonk will explore how China balances political control while pursuing economic growth. They will jointly analyze how this dilemma affects China's future development, providing us with new perspectives for a deeper understanding of China's development challenges.
3月16日:黃亞生(Yasheng Huang)——「東方的興衰:考試、專制、
March 16: Yasheng Huang — "The Rise and Fall of the East: How Exams, Autocracy, Stability, and Technology Brought China Success, and Why They Might Lead to Its Decline"
MIT Professor Yasheng Huang will discuss his acclaimed new book "The Rise and Fall of the East," examining how examination systems, autocratic rule, social stability, and technological development drove China's success throughout history, and why these factors might become the causes of future decline.
March 20: Cartoonist and Artist Badiucao — "You Must Take Part in Revolution"
Renowned political cartoonist Badiucao will share his near-future dystopian graphic novel "You Must Take Part in Revolution," created in collaboration with journalist Melissa Chan. The work explores the costs of technology, authoritarian government, and individual struggles for freedom under techno-totalitarian rule, examining the intersection of art and political activism.
March 21: Scholar and Author Lee Yu Sum, Samuel — "Be Water Philosophy: How Narrative Changes Our Understanding of Diaspora"
Hong Kong scholar and author Lee Yu Sum, Samuel will explore "Be Water Philosophy," explaining how narratives influence and change our understanding and perception of diaspora communities, as well as the significance of this philosophical thinking in today's society: "In the age of diaspora, narratives can be used by power institutions to domesticate people, and can also be used by autonomy-seeking resisters as tools of resistance and practice."
此外,我們的網上購書平台 (https://jfbooks.org) 已全面上線並持續更新,歡迎您選購心儀的作品!
Additionally, our online book platform (https://jfbooks.org) is fully launched and continuously updated. Welcome to purchase your favorite works! In this spring season full of vitality, no matter where you are, reading will be the spiritual home of your mind, allowing the seeds of thought to take root in books. JF Bookstore brings the power of knowledge and humanistic care, always accompanying you. Looking forward to seeing you in Washington D.C!
敬請留意我們隨後公佈的每場活動的報名通知! Please stay tuned for upcoming registration announcements for each event!
我們的活動會通過電子郵件通訊的方式進行註冊和報名,你可以在“About Us”頁面登記成為我們的讀者會員,活動消息亦同步發佈在我們的Twitter/Instagram/X/Facebook 平台,請您留意每場活動的報名通知。季風書園期待您的參與!
Our events are registered and signed up through email communications. You can register as our reader member on the "About Us" page. Event news is also simultaneously posted on our Twitter, Instagram, X, and Facebook platforms. Please pay attention to the registration notices for each event. JF Books looks forward to your participation!