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季風書園需要您的持續支持 Thanks for your supports!





  • 持續舉辦高質量的文化活動
  • 擴展更豐富多元的圆書品類
  • 為社區打造更具活力的文化空間……

JF Books・季風團隊成員敬上

Dear Readers,

While navigating through busy times and exploration, we've received unexpected warmth and encouragement since we reopened in D.C. in September, 2024.
This kindness, like a spring breeze, fills us with gratitude. We've witnessed touching moments: an elderly Western gentleman selecting books as the perfect gift for his Chinese wife; a reader driving from New York to show us his cherished old Shanghai JF Books member badge and volunteer group photo; another reader, moved by
our story, offering to donate his precious collection of 8,000 books accumulated over 50 years...

Twenty-seven years ago, a dream of independent Culture and free thought was planted in Shanghai. Today, that dream has crossed oceans to take root in Washington, D.C.  Here, our shelves hold not just books but countless footprints of those seeking knowledge and culture. Through each JF Salon, Club meeting, and Book Review, we weave an invisible cultural network connecting our shared spiritual home. This is
a physical oasis we strive to preserve.

As a non-profit organization, JF Books' continuation depends on your support. Every contribution, every gesture of goodwill becomes our driving force to:

//Continue hosting high-quality cultural events
//Expand our diverse book collection
//Create a more vibrant cultural space for our community.

We sincerely invite you to join our monthly donation program and become part of the J Books family. With your support, this cultural oasis can continue to flourish with vitality and hope. Thank you for being with us!

JF Books Team

Donate Plan 支持計劃 Monthly Fee / Amount 捐款金額 Our Benefits 季風回饋 Donate Link 捐款鏈接

Founding VIP (Limited to 50)

創始年度VIP會員 (限額50位)

$99 / Month
  • Annual member gathering
  • Free JF Tote
  • JF Salon - Reserved seating without registration
  • 10% discount on book purchases 

JFer Member


$29 / Month
  • 10% discount on book purchases 
  • Free JF Tote

One-time Donation


  • Support JF Books' mission and events


*捐款可提供免稅資質 Donations are tax deductible
*亦可通Zelle轉賬進行捐款 Zelle: calvin.y@jfbooks.org
*已成功捐款的朋友我們會有工作人員聯繫您! Donator will be contacted by our staff!